About GRE Marketplace
GRE content is for financial education. GRE Marketplace is where you can take action and build financial freedom. Here you find investment providers hand picked by GRE as well as resources for tax assistance, asset protection, lending and advanced real estate education. Investments include turnkey rentals, agricultural real estate, private lending and more.
GRE Marketplace is where you can find the best turnkey investments in the world. Only approximately the top 5% of turnkey providers are featured on this site, and this is where GRE founder, Keith Weinhold himself gets his own properties.
This collection of the best turnkey providers started out as a directory where Keith could connect the GRE audience to his own contacts in the turnkey real estate space. Many members of the audience wrote in—they had heard about the turnkey real estate business model on The Get Rich Education podcast and their first question was, “Where do you find these kinds of investments?”
In answer to that question, gremarketplace.com was born, its predecessor site, greturnkey.com has been upgraded for a couple of reasons. The first obvious update was that greturnkey.com was a title that didn’t tell the whole story. Turnkey real estate investments are still the majority on gremarketplace.com, but the new name reflects the diversity of investments available.
Changing the name to incorporate the full scope of opportunities was huge—plus gremarketplace.com has a new, more user-friendly experience. The new workflow allows you to sign up and create one account, eliminating the need to fill out a form every time you express interest a new investment.
GRE Marketplace has a more streamlined interface than ever before, further reducing the friction between you and financial freedom.